Thursday, January 29, 2015

My goal for 2015

This is what I dream to have, Liberty of Time. With liberty of time you can explore the world.

I have the right system in my hand, I just have to use the system whit his full potential. Develop my friendship skill's, I know that everyone needs a true friend to lighten the load when life gets heavy. Continue my financial education .I know that, over time, my wealth is compounded when income is higher than expenses.  I have to develop the art and the science of leadership. I know that everything rises and falls based on the Leadership culture created in my community.

I have to make some plan of business. LIFE LEADERSHIP, is the best way to create a passive income. The expense of the business are extremely small and the income cash flow are enormous. Wee can see all the detail in the member compensation plan. I have to be trip tracking for march 2015 and at this time my income cash flow give me 1200$ / each month. Trip tracking it's when you are at 4000 pv in your team 1 (15 friends) and at 2000 pv in your team 2 (9 friends). You receive a free trip when you do 6 months a this level, 4000$ value. The next level is leader 15000 pv it's 3500$ each months and you receive  the One Time Cash Award, 6000$ after 6 months and 12000$ after 12 months. The leader level is the easiest level of the business because every body are fired up in your two team. I have to be leader at June 2015. . I duplicate me two time in my business, and a player in my team create their second team, I am proud of us and that make me fired up. The duplication effect begin.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Education vs Self-education

"Education bring security, self-education bring liberty."

Warren  Buffet is one of the healthiest  people in the world. He created his wealth with wise investment. In a interview with CNBC, Warren Buffet give advice for helping people.

  CNBC: "what is the  one thing that young people should be doing about money?"
  W.B.  : "I tell them tow things, generally. One is stay away from credit cards... the second thing I tell them is to invest in themselves."

Orrin Woodward a top 25 leadership gurus in the world write in his blog, : "The best education you can get  is investing in yourself. But this doesn't always mean college or university. I have two degrees but  I don't have them on my wall, in fact idon't even know where they are. I used to be afraid of public speaking, and I realized that I have to do that someday. I do have one diploma I display from Dale Carnegie's Public Speaking Course and it only cost me $100."

Did you invest in your self this years ?

It's something important for change our attitude and the mind set. If you get up to every morning, and you think about your future when you look at your goal list. You will want to change something in your life, or you'll be motivated for the rest of your day, you can be already moving towards what you want. The dream is the most powerful motivator to change our results.Challenge your self.. set goal and get the life you really want . Do the small investment for change your life.


Yoann Paridaens

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The self education is something very important. Are you agree with me?

Our lives are lived out in the eight categories of Faith, Family, Finances, Fitness, Following, Freedom, Friendship, and Fun.

If you can have a subscription of 4 cd's and a book each month, specifically designed to bring you life changing information in each of these categories, did you take this information to grow your-self ?

 Whether you are interested in one or two of these areas, or all eight, you will be delighted with timeless truths and effective strategies for living a life of excellence, brought to you in an entertaining, intelligent, well informed, and insightful manner. It has been said that it may be your life, but it's not yours to waste. Subscribe to the LIFE series today and learn how to make yours count!

Take your life changing information, educate your-self for a great future.


Yoann Paridaens

Where are you going ?

You are were you are today by the chose you take yesterday. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Our life is in our hands. We live just one time. The difference between, the success and the failure, it's the commitment you take on your self today. Dream for tomorrow and a plan for get your success. Use your character over your reputation, you can do It

Friday, January 9, 2015

Développer l'intelligence financière/ Develop Financial Intelligence

"I know  that over time, my wealth is compounded when income is higher than expenses."
Book Resolved of the Best-Selling Author Orrin Woodward

 We have to understand how the rich get richer and richer. One of the reasons the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class struggles in debt is because the subject of money is taught at home, not in school. This video will show you what the sucess person know about money that the poor and middle class do not. You’ll learn how anyone can become rich by following a few simple strategies.

Nous devons comprendre comment les riches deviennent plus riche et plus riche. Une des raisons que les personnes de succès s'enrichissent, que les pauvres s'appauvrissent et que la classe moyenne lutte contre leur dette est parce que, l'éducation financière n'est pas enseigné à l'école, mais à la maison. Cette vidéo vas vous montrez ce que la personne qui a du succès  utilise ce que les pauvres et la classe moyenne n'utilise pas. Vous apprendrez comment n'importe qui peut devenir riche en suivant quelques stratégies simples.  
Here you can have the financial fitness pack.
Vous pouvez vous procurer le pack des finance ci-dessous.

Yoann Paridaens

Résolution de conflit

"I kown that raltionship bombs and unresolved conflicts destroy a communty's unity and growth."
Livre: RESOLVED, du New York Times best-selling Author Orrin Woodward

Tous ceux qui lead une organisation, une entreprise ou un église, l’habileté de résoudre des conflit est essentiel. La résolution de conflit maintien la confiance dans l'organisation. Le monde n'est pas parfais, une personne imparfaite vas avoir des liens relationnelles imparfaits. Les trois bombes relationnel, son des actions qui rend un simple conflit bien plus complexe. Le simple conflit peux se transformer en la destruction d'une communauté entière. La première bombe, le silence. Qu'es ce qui emmène le silence ? La peur de confronter le conflit. Lorsqu'un conflit n'est pas résolu, il ne disparaît pas, il aggrave. La deuxième bombe, la violence, attaquer un autre personne physiquement intensifie l'ampleurs du conflit et le rend très complexe. Il est beaucoup mieux de résoudre le conflit dès qu'il arrive. La troisième bombe,  la communication triangulaire, cela ce produit lorsqu'une personne parle de son conflit avec une autre personne en essayant de la convaincre qu'elle a fais le choix. Cette situation crée une panoplie d'événement controverser sur un conflit, qui est en fait aucune de c'est histoire.

   Les cinq étapes de résolution de conflit du livre Resolved du Best-seller  Orrin Woodward, des résolution facile, approuvé et efficace pour réglé des conflit rapidement et garder la confiance et la force d'une communauté.
Vous pouvez vous procurer le livre Resolved sur le lien ci-dessous. Prenez le Mental Fitness Challenge !

Yoann Paridaens